
Your First Multisig

This tutorial introduces assorted K-of-N multi-signer authentication operations and supplements content from the following tutorials:


Try out the above tutorials (which include dependency installations) before moving on to multisig operations.

Step 1: Pick an SDK

This tutorial, a community contribution, was created for the Python SDK.

Other developers are invited to add support for the TypeScript SDK, Rust SDK, and Unity SDK!

Step 2: Start the example

Navigate to the Python SDK directory:

cd <aptos-core-parent-directory>/aptos-core/ecosystem/python/sdk/

Run the multisig.py example:

poetry run python -m examples.multisig

This example uses the Aptos devnet, which has historically been reset each Thursday. Make sure devnet is live when you try running the example!

Step 3: Generate single signer accounts

First, we will generate single signer accounts for Alice, Bob, and Chad:

multisig.py snippet
alice = Account.generate()
bob = Account.generate()
chad = Account.generate()

print("\n=== Account addresses ===")
print(f"Alice: {alice.address()}")
print(f"Bob: {bob.address()}")
print(f"Chad: {chad.address()}")

print("\n=== Authentication keys ===")
print(f"Alice: {alice.auth_key()}")
print(f"Bob: {bob.auth_key()}")
print(f"Chad: {chad.auth_key()}")

print("\n=== Public keys ===")
print(f"Alice: {alice.public_key()}")
print(f"Bob: {bob.public_key()}")
print(f"Chad: {chad.public_key()}")

Fresh accounts are generated for each example run, but the output should resemble:

=== Account addresses ===
Alice: 0x93c1b7298d53dd0d517f503f2d3188fc62f6812ab94a412a955720c976fecf96
Bob: 0x85eb913e58d0885f6a966d98c76e4d00714cf6627f8db5903e1cd38cc86d1ce0
Chad: 0x14cf8dc376878ac268f2efc7ba65a2ee0ac13ceb43338b6106dd88d8d23e087a

=== Authentication keys ===
Alice: 0x93c1b7298d53dd0d517f503f2d3188fc62f6812ab94a412a955720c976fecf96
Bob: 0x85eb913e58d0885f6a966d98c76e4d00714cf6627f8db5903e1cd38cc86d1ce0
Chad: 0x14cf8dc376878ac268f2efc7ba65a2ee0ac13ceb43338b6106dd88d8d23e087a

=== Public keys ===
Alice: 0x3f23f869632aaa4378f3d68560e08d18b1fc2e80f91d6f9d1b39d720b0ef7a3f
Bob: 0xcf21e85337a313bdac33d068960a3e52d22ce0e6190e9acc03a1c9930e1eaf3e
Chad: 0xa1a2aef8525eb20655387d3ed50b9a3ea1531ef6117f579d0da4bcf5a2e1f76d

For each user, note the account address and authentication key are identical, but the public key is different.

Step 4: Generate a multisig account

Next generate a K-of-N multi-signer public key and account address for a multisig account requiring two of the three signatures:

multisig.py snippet
threshold = 2

multisig_public_key = MultiPublicKey(
[alice.public_key(), bob.public_key(), chad.public_key()], threshold

multisig_address = AccountAddress.from_multi_ed25519(multisig_public_key)

print("\n=== 2-of-3 Multisig account ===")
print(f"Account public key: {multisig_public_key}")
print(f"Account address: {multisig_address}")

The multisig account address depends on the public keys of the single signers. (Hence, it will be different for each example.) But the output should resemble:

=== 2-of-3 Multisig account ===
Account public key: 2-of-3 Multi-Ed25519 public key
Account address: 0x08cac3b7b7ce4fbc5b18bc039279d7854e4c898cbf82518ac2650b565ad4d364

Step 5: Fund all accounts

Next fund all accounts:

multisig.py snippet
print("\n=== Funding accounts ===")
alice_start = 10_000_000
bob_start = 20_000_000
chad_start = 30_000_000
multisig_start = 40_000_000

alice_fund = faucet_client.fund_account(alice.address(), alice_start)
bob_fund = faucet_client.fund_account(bob.address(), bob_start)
chad_fund = faucet_client.fund_account(chad.address(), chad_start)
multisig_fund = faucet_client.fund_account(multisig_address, multisig_start)
await asyncio.gather(*[alice_fund, bob_fund, chad_fund, multisig_fund])

alice_balance = rest_client.account_balance(alice.address())
bob_balance = rest_client.account_balance(bob.address())
chad_balance = rest_client.account_balance(chad.address())
multisig_balance = rest_client.account_balance(multisig_address)
[alice_balance, bob_balance, chad_balance, multisig_balance] = await asyncio.gather(
*[alice_balance, bob_balance, chad_balance, multisig_balance]

print(f"Alice's balance: {alice_balance}")
print(f"Bob's balance: {bob_balance}")
print(f"Chad's balance: {chad_balance}")
print(f"Multisig balance: {multisig_balance}")
=== Funding accounts ===
Alice's balance: 10000000
Bob's balance: 20000000
Chad's balance: 30000000
Multisig balance: 40000000

Step 6: Send coins from the multisig

This transaction will send 100 octas from the multisig account to Chad's account. Since it is a two-of-three multisig account, signatures are required from only two individual signers.

Step 6.1: Gather individual signatures

First generate a raw transaction, signed by Alice and Bob, but not by Chad.

multisig.py snippet
entry_function = EntryFunction.natural(
TransactionArgument(chad.address(), Serializer.struct),
TransactionArgument(100, Serializer.u64),

chain_id = await rest_client.chain_id()
raw_transaction = RawTransaction(
int(time.time()) + rest_client.client_config.expiration_ttl

alice_signature = alice.sign(raw_transaction.keyed())
bob_signature = bob.sign(raw_transaction.keyed())

assert raw_transaction.verify(alice.public_key(), alice_signature)
assert raw_transaction.verify(bob.public_key(), bob_signature)

print("\n=== Individual signatures ===")
print(f"Alice: {alice_signature}")
print(f"Bob: {bob_signature}")

Again, signatures vary for each example run:

=== Individual signatures ===
Alice: 0x41b9dd65857df2d8d8fba251336357456cc9f17974de93292c13226f560102eac1e70ddc7809a98cd54ddee9b79853e8bf7d18cfef23458f23e3a335c3189e0d
Bob: 0x6305101f8f3ad5a75254a8fa74b0d9866756abbf359f9e4f2b54247917caf8c52798a36c5a81c77505ebc1dc9b80f2643e8fcc056bcc4f795e80b229fa41e509

Step 6.2: Submit the multisig transaction

Next generate a multisig authenticator and submit the transaction:

multisig.py snippet
sig_map = [  # Map from signatory public key to signature.
(alice.public_key(), alice_signature),
(bob.public_key(), bob_signature),

multisig_signature = MultiSignature(multisig_public_key, sig_map)

authenticator = Authenticator(
MultiEd25519Authenticator(multisig_public_key, multisig_signature)

signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(raw_transaction, authenticator)

print("\n=== Submitting transfer transaction ===")

tx_hash = await rest_client.submit_bcs_transaction(signed_transaction)
await rest_client.wait_for_transaction(tx_hash)
print(f"Transaction hash: {tx_hash}")
=== Submitting transfer transaction ===
Transaction hash: 0x3ff2a848bf6145e6df3abb3ccb8b94fefd07ac16b4acb0c694fa7fa30b771f8c

Step 6.3: Check balances

Check the new account balances:

multisig.py snippet
print("\n=== New account balances===")

alice_balance = rest_client.account_balance(alice.address())
bob_balance = rest_client.account_balance(bob.address())
chad_balance = rest_client.account_balance(chad.address())
multisig_balance = rest_client.account_balance(multisig_address)
[alice_balance, bob_balance, chad_balance, multisig_balance] = await asyncio.gather(
*[alice_balance, bob_balance, chad_balance, multisig_balance]

print(f"Alice's balance: {alice_balance}")
print(f"Bob's balance: {bob_balance}")
print(f"Chad's balance: {chad_balance}")
print(f"Multisig balance: {multisig_balance}")
=== New account balances===
Alice's balance: 10000000
Bob's balance: 20000000
Chad's balance: 30000100
Multisig balance: 39999300

Note that even though Alice and Bob signed the transaction, their account balances have not changed. Chad, however, has received 100 octas from the multisig account, which assumed the gas costs of the transaction and thus has had more than 100 octas deducted.

Step 7: Create a vanity address multisig

In this section, a fourth user named Deedee will generate a vanity address, then rotate her account to the two-of-three multisig.

Step 7.1 Generate a vanity address

A fourth user, Deedee, wants her account address to start with 0xdd.., so she generates random accounts until she finds one with a matching account address:

multisig.py snippet
print("\n=== Funding vanity address ===")

deedee = Account.generate()

while str(deedee.address())[2:4] != "dd":
deedee = Account.generate()

print(f"Deedee's address: {deedee.address()}")
print(f"Deedee's public key: {deedee.public_key()}")

deedee_start = 50_000_000

await faucet_client.fund_account(deedee.address(), deedee_start)
deedee_balance = await rest_client.account_balance(deedee.address())
print(f"Deedee's balance: {deedee_balance}")
=== Funding vanity address ===
Deedee's address: 0xdd86860ae7f77f58d08188e1c39fbc6a2f7cec782f09f6767f8367d84357ed57
Deedee's public key: 0xdbf02311c45903f0217e9ab76ca64007c2876363118bb422922410d4cfe9964c
Deedee's balance: 50000000

Step 7.2 Sign a rotation proof challenge

Deedee and the two-of-three multisig must both sign a RotationProofChallenge, yielding two signatures. Deedee's signature, cap_rotate_key, verifies that she approves of the authentication key rotation. The multisig signature, cap_update_table, verifies that the multisig approves of the authentication key rotation. Here, Bob and Chad provide individual signatures for the multisig:

multisig.py snippet
print("\n=== Signing rotation proof challenge ===")

rotation_proof_challenge = RotationProofChallenge(

serializer = Serializer()
rotation_proof_challenge_bcs = serializer.output()

cap_rotate_key = deedee.sign(rotation_proof_challenge_bcs).data()

cap_update_table = MultiSignature(
(bob.public_key(), bob.sign(rotation_proof_challenge_bcs)),
(chad.public_key(), chad.sign(rotation_proof_challenge_bcs)),

cap_rotate_key_hex = f"0x{cap_rotate_key.hex()}"
cap_update_table_hex = f"0x{cap_update_table.hex()}"

print(f"cap_rotate_key: {cap_rotate_key_hex}")
print(f"cap_update_table: {cap_update_table_hex}")
=== Signing rotation proof challenge ===
cap_rotate_key: 0x3b2906df78bb79f210051e910985c358572c2ec7cdd03f688480fb6adf8d538df48a52787d5651d85f2959dcca88d58da49709c9c0dc9c3c58b67169ec1e1c01
cap_update_table: 0x965fd11d7afe14396e5af40b8ffb78e6eb6f7caa1f1b1d8c7b819fdd6045864e70258788ec1670a3989c85f8cc604f4b54e43e1ce173a59aa0a6f7cf124fd902dcbb2ad53467d05c144260b2be1814777c082d8db437698b00e6a2109a015a565ff5783e827a21a4c07ae332b56398b69dfdbcc08b8ad5585dc1ac649b74730760000000

Step 7.3 Rotate the authentication key

Now that the relevant signatures have been gathered, the authentication key rotation transaction can be submitted. After it executes, the rotated authentication key matches the address of the first multisig account (the one that sent octas to Chad):

multisig.py snippet
print("\n=== Submitting authentication key rotation transaction ===")

from_scheme = Authenticator.ED25519
from_public_key_bytes = deedee.public_key().key.encode()
to_scheme = Authenticator.MULTI_ED25519
to_public_key_bytes = multisig_public_key.to_bytes()

entry_function = EntryFunction.natural(
TransactionArgument(from_scheme, Serializer.u8),
TransactionArgument(from_public_key_bytes, Serializer.to_bytes),
TransactionArgument(to_scheme, Serializer.u8),
TransactionArgument(to_public_key_bytes, Serializer.to_bytes),
TransactionArgument(cap_rotate_key, Serializer.to_bytes),
TransactionArgument(cap_update_table, Serializer.to_bytes),

signed_transaction = await rest_client.create_bcs_signed_transaction(
deedee, TransactionPayload(entry_function)

account_data = await rest_client.account(deedee.address())
print(f"Auth key pre-rotation: {account_data['authentication_key']}")

tx_hash = await rest_client.submit_bcs_transaction(signed_transaction)
await rest_client.wait_for_transaction(tx_hash)
print(f"Transaction hash: {tx_hash}")

account_data = await rest_client.account(deedee.address())
print(f"New auth key: {account_data['authentication_key']}")
print(f"1st multisig address: {multisig_address}")
=== Submitting authentication key rotation transaction ===
Auth key pre-rotation: 0xdd86860ae7f77f58d08188e1c39fbc6a2f7cec782f09f6767f8367d84357ed57
Transaction hash: 0x57c66089a1b81e2895a2d6919ab19eb90c4d3c3cbe9fecab8169eaeedff2c6e6
New auth key: 0x08cac3b7b7ce4fbc5b18bc039279d7854e4c898cbf82518ac2650b565ad4d364
1st multisig address: 0x08cac3b7b7ce4fbc5b18bc039279d7854e4c898cbf82518ac2650b565ad4d364

In other words, Deedee generated an account with a vanity address so that Alice, Bob, and Chad could use it as a multisig account. Then Deedee and the Alice/Bob/Chad group (under the authority of Bob and Chad) approved to rotate the vanity account's authentication key to the authentication key of the first multisig account.

Step 8: Perform Move package governance

In this section, the multisig vanity account will publish a simple package, upgrade it, then invoke a Move script.

Move source code for this section is found in the upgrade_and_govern directory.

Step 8.1: Review genesis package

The UpgradeAndGovern genesis package (version 1.0.0) contains a simple .toml manifest and a single Move source file:

name = 'UpgradeAndGovern'
version = '1.0.0'

upgrade_and_govern = '_'

AptosFramework = { git = "https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core.git", rev = "mainnet", subdir = "aptos-move/framework/aptos-framework" }
/// Mock on-chain governance parameters.
module upgrade_and_govern::parameters {

struct GovernanceParameters has key {
parameter_1: u64,
parameter_2: u64

const GENESIS_PARAMETER_1: u64 = 123;
const GENESIS_PARAMETER_2: u64 = 456;

fun init_module(
upgrade_and_govern: &signer
) {
let governance_parameters = GovernanceParameters{
parameter_1: GENESIS_PARAMETER_1,
parameter_2: GENESIS_PARAMETER_2};
upgrade_and_govern, governance_parameters);

public fun get_parameters():
(u64, u64)
acquires GovernanceParameters {
let governance_parameters_ref =


As soon as the package is published, a GovernanceParameters resource is moved to the upgrade_and_govern package account with the values specified by GENESIS_PARAMETER_1 and GENESIS_PARAMETER_2. Then, the get_parameters() function can be used to look up the governance parameters, but note that in this version there is no setter function. The setter function will be added later.

Step 8.2: Publish genesis package

Here, Alice and Chad will sign off on the publication transaction.

All compilation and publication operations are handled via the ongoing Python script:

multisig.py snippet
print("\n=== Genesis publication ===")

packages_dir = "../../../aptos-move/move-examples/upgrade_and_govern/"

command = (
f"aptos move compile "
f"--save-metadata "
f"--package-dir {packages_dir}genesis "
f"--named-addresses upgrade_and_govern={str(deedee.address())}"

print(f"Running aptos CLI command: {command}\n")
subprocess.run(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

build_path = f"{packages_dir}genesis/build/UpgradeAndGovern/"

with open(f"{build_path}package-metadata.bcs", "rb") as f:
package_metadata = f.read()

with open(f"{build_path}bytecode_modules/parameters.mv", "rb") as f:
parameters_module = f.read()

modules_serializer = Serializer.sequence_serializer(Serializer.to_bytes)

payload = EntryFunction.natural(
TransactionArgument(package_metadata, Serializer.to_bytes),
TransactionArgument([parameters_module], modules_serializer),

raw_transaction = RawTransaction(
int(time.time()) + rest_client.client_config.expiration_ttl

alice_signature = alice.sign(raw_transaction.keyed())
chad_signature = chad.sign(raw_transaction.keyed())

sig_map = [ # Map from signatory public key to signature.
(alice.public_key(), alice_signature),
(chad.public_key(), chad_signature),

multisig_signature = MultiSignature(multisig_public_key, sig_map)

authenticator = Authenticator(
MultiEd25519Authenticator(multisig_public_key, multisig_signature)

signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(raw_transaction, authenticator)

tx_hash = await rest_client.submit_bcs_transaction(signed_transaction)
await rest_client.wait_for_transaction(tx_hash)
print(f"\nTransaction hash: {tx_hash}")

registry = await rest_client.account_resource(
deedee.address(), "0x1::code::PackageRegistry"

package_name = registry["data"]["packages"][0]["name"]
n_upgrades = registry["data"]["packages"][0]["upgrade_number"]

print(f"Package name from on-chain registry: {package_name}")
print(f"On-chain upgrade number: {n_upgrades}")
=== Genesis publication ===
Running aptos CLI command: aptos move compile --save-metadata --package-dir ../../../../aptos-move/move-examples/upgrade_and_govern/genesis --named-addresses upgrade_and_govern=0xdd86860ae7f77f58d08188e1c39fbc6a2f7cec782f09f6767f8367d84357ed57

Compiling, may take a little while to download git dependencies...
BUILDING UpgradeAndGovern

Transaction hash: 0x3c65c681194d6c64d73dc5d0cbcbad62e99a997b8600b8edad6847285e580c13
Package name from on-chain registry: UpgradeAndGovern
On-chain upgrade number: 0

Step 8.3: Review package upgrades

The UpgradeAndGovern upgrade package adds the following parameter setter functionality at the end of parameters.move:

    use std::signer::address_of;

const E_INVALID_AUTHORITY: u64 = 0;

public entry fun set_parameters(
upgrade_and_govern: &signer,
parameter_1: u64,
parameter_2: u64
) acquires GovernanceParameters {
assert!(address_of(upgrade_and_govern) == @upgrade_and_govern,
let governance_parameters_ref_mut =
governance_parameters_ref_mut.parameter_1 = parameter_1;
governance_parameters_ref_mut.parameter_2 = parameter_2;


Here, the account that the package is published under, upgrade_and_govern, has the authority to change the GovernanceParameter values from the genesis values to the new parameter_1 and parameter_2 values.

There is also a new module, transfer.move:

/// Mock coin transfer module that invokes governance parameters.
module upgrade_and_govern::transfer {

use aptos_framework::aptos_coin::AptosCoin;
use aptos_framework::coin;
use upgrade_and_govern::parameters;

public entry fun transfer_octas(
from: &signer,
to_1: address,
to_2: address
) {
let (amount_1, amount_2) = parameters::get_parameters();
coin::transfer<AptosCoin>(from, to_1, amount_1);
coin::transfer<AptosCoin>(from, to_2, amount_2);


This module simply looks up the GovernanceParameter values, and treats them as the amount of octas to send to two recipients.

Lastly, the manifest has been updated with the new version number 1.1.0:

name = 'UpgradeAndGovern'
version = '1.1.0'

upgrade_and_govern = '_'

AptosFramework = { git = "https://github.com/aptos-labs/aptos-core.git", rev = "mainnet", subdir = "aptos-move/framework/aptos-framework" }

Step 8.4: Upgrade the package

Alice, Bob, and Chad will all sign off on this publication transaction, which results in an upgrade. This process is almost identical to that of the genesis publication, with the new transfer module listed after the parameters module:

multisig.py snippet
print("\n=== Upgrade publication ===")

command = (
f"aptos move compile "
f"--save-metadata "
f"--package-dir {packages_dir}upgrade "
f"--named-addresses upgrade_and_govern={str(deedee.address())}"

print(f"Running aptos CLI command: {command}\n")
subprocess.run(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)

build_path = f"{packages_dir}upgrade/build/UpgradeAndGovern/"

with open(f"{build_path}package-metadata.bcs", "rb") as f:
package_metadata = f.read()

with open(f"{build_path}bytecode_modules/parameters.mv", "rb") as f:
parameters_module = f.read()

with open(f"{build_path}bytecode_modules/transfer.mv", "rb") as f:
transfer_module = f.read()

payload = EntryFunction.natural(
TransactionArgument(package_metadata, Serializer.to_bytes),
TransactionArgument( # Transfer module listed second.
[parameters_module, transfer_module],

raw_transaction = RawTransaction(
int(time.time()) + rest_client.client_config.expiration_ttl

alice_signature = alice.sign(raw_transaction.keyed())
bob_signature = bob.sign(raw_transaction.keyed())
chad_signature = chad.sign(raw_transaction.keyed())

sig_map = [ # Map from signatory public key to signature.
(alice.public_key(), alice_signature),
(bob.public_key(), bob_signature),
(chad.public_key(), chad_signature),

multisig_signature = MultiSignature(multisig_public_key, sig_map)

authenticator = Authenticator(
MultiEd25519Authenticator(multisig_public_key, multisig_signature)

signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(raw_transaction, authenticator)

tx_hash = await rest_client.submit_bcs_transaction(signed_transaction)
await rest_client.wait_for_transaction(tx_hash)
print(f"\nTransaction hash: {tx_hash}")

registry = await rest_client.account_resource(
deedee.address(), "0x1::code::PackageRegistry"

n_upgrades = registry["data"]["packages"][0]["upgrade_number"]

print(f"On-chain upgrade number: {n_upgrades}")

Modules that use other modules must be listed after the modules they use.

=== Upgrade publication ===
Running aptos CLI command: aptos move compile --save-metadata --package-dir ../../../../aptos-move/move-examples/upgrade_and_govern/upgrade --named-addresses upgrade_and_govern=0xdd86860ae7f77f58d08188e1c39fbc6a2f7cec782f09f6767f8367d84357ed57

Compiling, may take a little while to download git dependencies...
BUILDING UpgradeAndGovern

Transaction hash: 0x0f0ea3bb7271ddeaceac5b49ff5503d6c652d4746c1510e47665ceee5a89aaf0
On-chain upgrade number: 1

Note that the on-chain upgrade number has been incremented by 1.

Step 8.6: Review the governance script

The UpgradeAndGovern upgrade package also includes a Move script at set_and_transfer.move:

script {
use upgrade_and_govern::parameters;
use upgrade_and_govern::transfer;

const PARAMETER_1: u64 = 300;
const PARAMETER_2: u64 = 200;

fun set_and_transfer(
upgrade_and_govern: &signer,
to_1: address,
to_2: address
) {
upgrade_and_govern, PARAMETER_1, PARAMETER_2);
transfer::transfer_octas(upgrade_and_govern, to_1, to_2);

This script calls the governance parameter setter using hard-coded values defined at the top of the script, then calls the octa transfer function. The script accepts as arguments the signature of the account hosting the package, as well as two target addresses for the transfer operation.

Note that both functions in the script are public entry fun functions, which means that everything achieved in the script could be performed without a script. However, a non-script approach would require two transactions instead of just one, and would complicate the signature aggregation process: in practical terms, Alice, Bob, and/or Chad would likely have to send single-signer transaction signatures around through off-chain communication channels, and a scribe for the group would then have to submit a multisig Authenticator (for each public entry fun call). Hence, in a non-script approach, extra operational complexity can quickly introduce opportunities for consensus failure.

A Move script, by contrast, collapses multiple governance function calls into a single transaction; and moreover, Move scripts can be published in a public forum like GitHub so that all signatories can review the actual function calls before they sign the script.

Step 8.5: Execute the governance script

Alice and Bob sign off on the Move script, which sends coins from the vanity multisig account to their personal accounts. Here, the amounts sent to each account are specified in the hard-coded values from the script.

multisig.py snippet
print("\n=== Invoking Move script ===")

with open(f"{build_path}bytecode_scripts/set_and_transfer.mv", "rb") as f:
script_code = f.read()

payload = Script(
ScriptArgument(ScriptArgument.ADDRESS, alice.address()),
ScriptArgument(ScriptArgument.ADDRESS, bob.address()),

raw_transaction = RawTransaction(
int(time.time()) + rest_client.client_config.expiration_ttl

alice_signature = alice.sign(raw_transaction.keyed())
bob_signature = bob.sign(raw_transaction.keyed())

sig_map = [ # Map from signatory public key to signature.
(alice.public_key(), alice_signature),
(bob.public_key(), bob_signature),

multisig_signature = MultiSignature(multisig_public_key, sig_map)

authenticator = Authenticator(
MultiEd25519Authenticator(multisig_public_key, multisig_signature)

signed_transaction = SignedTransaction(raw_transaction, authenticator)

tx_hash = await rest_client.submit_bcs_transaction(signed_transaction)
await rest_client.wait_for_transaction(tx_hash)
print(f"Transaction hash: {tx_hash}")

alice_balance = rest_client.account_balance(alice.address())
bob_balance = rest_client.account_balance(bob.address())
chad_balance = rest_client.account_balance(chad.address())
multisig_balance = rest_client.account_balance(multisig_address)
[alice_balance, bob_balance, chad_balance, multisig_balance] = await asyncio.gather(
*[alice_balance, bob_balance, chad_balance, multisig_balance]

print(f"Alice's balance: {alice_balance}")
print(f"Bob's balance: {bob_balance}")
print(f"Chad's balance: {chad_balance}")
print(f"Multisig balance: {multisig_balance}")
=== Invoking Move script ===
Transaction hash: 0xd06de4bd9fb12a9f3cbd8ce1b9a9fd47ea2b923a8cfac21f9788869430e4149b
Alice's balance: 10000300
Bob's balance: 20000200
Chad's balance: 30000100

Congratulations on completing the tutorial on K-of-N multi-signer authentication operations!