
2. Set up React App

This is the second chapter of the tutorial on building an end-to-end dapp on Aptos where you have already created a smart contract and are now setting up a React app.

Set up the app

We will use the react library to build the client side with Create React App.

For the UI, we will use Ant Design. This is just a personal decision; you are welcome to use any different UI library/framework you wish.

  1. In the root folder of the my-first-dapp project, run:
npx create-react-app client --template typescript

That will create a new client folder in the current path:

  1. Your file structure should look something like:


  2. Run: cd client

  3. Run: npm start

    At this point you should have your app running on http://localhost:3000, which displays the default React layout.

  4. In the client/src directory, find all the React app files. Let’s clean it up a bit.

  5. Open the App.tsx file and update its content to be:

function App() {
return <div>My app goes here</div>;

export default App;

Once you save the changes, you should see that the app content has changed in the browser and displays My app goes here.

  1. Open the App.tsx file and remove the import './App.css'; and import logo from './logo.svg'; lines. Since we remove the default imports on this file, we can remove some files in our project. Delete the files App.css and logo.svg.
  2. Open the index.tsx file and remove the import './index.css'; line at the top of the file. Now you can also delete the src/index.css file.

Our dapp UI

First we will build the dapp UI layout. We have two UI states for the app:

  • When an account hasn't created a list yet (on the left).
  • When an account has created a list and can now add tasks to it (on the right). dapp-ui

We will use the Ant Design library for our UI:

  1. Stop the local server if running.
  2. On to the client directory and install our UI library package: npm i antd@5.1.4
  3. Update App.tsx with the initial state UI:
return (
<Row align="middle">
<Col span={10} offset={2}>
<h1>Our todolist</h1>
<Col span={12} style={{ textAlign: "right", paddingRight: "200px" }}>
<h1>Connect Wallet</h1>
  1. Don't forget to import the components we just added:
import { Layout, Row, Col } from "antd";
  1. Run the local server with npm start, you should see the header that matches our UI mockup.

It is now time to add wallet support in chapter 3.