
Use the Aptos CLI

The aptos tool is a command line interface (CLI) for developing on the Aptos blockchain, debugging, and for node operations. This document describes how to use the aptos CLI tool. To download or build the CLI, follow Install Aptos CLI.

For example on how to use specific commands, see the following documents:

Command line help

Command line help is available. Type aptos help or aptos --help to see the available command options. See below the usage output from aptos --help:


-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information

account Tool for interacting with accounts
config Tool for interacting with configuration of the Aptos CLI tool
genesis Tool for setting up an Aptos chain Genesis transaction
governance Tool for on-chain governance
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
info Show build information about the CLI
init Tool to initialize current directory for the aptos tool
key Tool for generating, inspecting, and interacting with keys
move Tool for Move related operations
multisig Tool for interacting with multisig accounts
node Tool for operations related to nodes
stake Tool for manipulating stake and stake pools
update Update the CLI itself

Command-specific help

Command-specific help is also available. For example, see below the usage output from aptos move --help:

aptos move <SUBCOMMAND>

-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information

Build a publication transaction payload and store it in a JSON output file
Cleans derived artifacts of a package
Compiles a package and returns the associated ModuleIds
Compiles a Move script into bytecode
Computes coverage for a package
Publishes the modules in a Move package to the Aptos blockchain under a resource account
Disassemble the Move bytecode pointed to
Documents a Move package
Downloads a package and stores it in a directory named after the package
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
Creates a new Move package at the given location
Lists information about packages and modules on-chain for an account
Proves a Move package
Publishes the modules in a Move package to the Aptos blockchain
Run a Move function
Run a Move script
Runs Move unit tests for a package
Downloads a package and verifies the bytecode
Run a view function

Sub-command help

Help for sub-commands is also available. For example, see below the usage output from aptos move compile --help:

Usage: aptos move compile [OPTIONS]

Save the package metadata in the package's build directory

If set, package metadata should be generated and stored in the package's build directory. This metadata can be used to construct a transaction to publish a package.

--included-artifacts <INCLUDED_ARTIFACTS>
Artifacts to be generated when building the package

Which artifacts to include in the package. This can be one of `none`, `sparse`, and `all`. `none` is the most compact form and does not allow to reconstruct a source package from chain; `sparse` is the minimal set of artifacts needed to reconstruct a source package; `all` includes all available artifacts. The choice of included artifacts heavily influences the size and therefore gas cost of publishing: `none` is the size of bytecode alone; `sparse` is roughly 2 times as much; and `all` 3-4 as much.

[default: sparse]
[possible values: none, sparse, all]

Enables dev mode, which uses all dev-addresses and dev-dependencies

Dev mode allows for changing dependencies and addresses to the preset [dev-addresses] and [dev-dependencies] fields. This works both inside and out of tests for using preset values.

Currently, it also additionally pulls in all test compilation artifacts

--package-dir <PACKAGE_DIR>
Path to a move package (the folder with a Move.toml file)

--output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR>
Path to save the compiled move package

Defaults to `<package_dir>/build`

--named-addresses <NAMED_ADDRESSES>
Named addresses for the move binary

Example: alice=0x1234, bob=0x5678

Note: This will fail if there are duplicates in the Move.toml file remove those first.

[default: ]

Skip pulling the latest git dependencies

If you don't have a network connection, the compiler may fail due to no ability to pull git dependencies. This will allow overriding this for local development.

--bytecode-version <BYTECODE_VERSION>
Specify the version of the bytecode the compiler is going to emit

--compiler-version <COMPILER_VERSION>
Specify the version of the compiler

[possible values: v1, v2]

Do not complain about unknown attributes in Move code

-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')

-V, --version
Print version

CLI information

Run the aptos info command to get the CLI information for debugging purposes. See an example output of the aptos info command:

"Result": {
"build_branch": "",
"build_cargo_version": "cargo 1.71.2 (1a737af0c 2023-08-07)",
"build_clean_checkout": "true",
"build_commit_hash": "",
"build_is_release_build": "true",
"build_os": "macos-aarch64",
"build_pkg_version": "2.1.0",
"build_profile_name": "cli",
"build_rust_channel": "",
"build_rust_version": "rustc 1.71.1 (eb26296b5 2023-08-03) (built from a source tarball)",
"build_tag": "",
"build_time": "2023-08-24 21:13:40 +00:00",
"build_using_tokio_unstable": "true"