
Node Health

This document describes how you can verify and monitor the health of your validator and validator fullnode (VFN) in the Aptos network. Many of the methods described here rely on the runtime metrics that your nodes collect and report. These metrics are collected by the Aptos node binary and are exposed via a Prometheus metrics endpoint. For a detailed description of the important metrics, see the Node Inspection Service and Important Node Metrics documentation.

Initial Node Verification

After deploying your nodes and connecting them to the Aptos network, you should verify that your nodes are running correctly.

First time?

In some environments, e.g., mainnet and testnet, your VFN will begin syncing first (before your validator is able to sync). This is normal behaviour. Once your VFN has finished syncing, your validator node will start syncing and eventually start participating in consensus.

You can verify the correctness of your nodes by inspecting several simple metrics. Follow these steps:

  1. Check if your nodes are state syncing by running this command:

    curl 2> /dev/null | grep "aptos_state_sync_version"

    You should expect to see the synced or synced_states versions increasing. The versions should start increasing for your VFN first, then eventually your validator node will start syncing.

    Cloud deployment?

    You may need to replace with your validator or VFN IP/DNS if deployed on the cloud.

  2. Verify that your validator is connecting to other peers on the network.

    curl 2> /dev/null | grep "aptos_connections{.*\"Validator\".*}"

    The command will output the number of inbound and outbound connections of your validator node. For example:

    aptos_connections{direction="inbound",network_id="Validator",peer_id="f326fd30",role_type="validator"} 5
    aptos_connections{direction="outbound",network_id="Validator",peer_id="f326fd30",role_type="validator"} 2

    As long as one of the metrics is greater than zero, your validator node is connected to at least one of the peers on the network. If your validator is not connected to any peers, make sure your VFN has completed syncing first. Once your VFN has finished syncing, your validator node will start syncing and eventually be able to connect to other peers.

  3. After your node syncs to the latest version, you can also check if consensus is making progress, and your node is proposing.

    curl 2> /dev/null | grep "aptos_consensus_current_round"

    curl 2> /dev/null | grep "aptos_consensus_proposals_count"

    You should expect to see these numbers continue to increase.

Local Monitoring

If you are a node operator, there are several tools available to you to verify the health of your node going forward:


The Aptos Labs team can also monitor your node remotely using Node Telemetry. When you enable telemetry on your nodes, the Aptos node binary will send telemetry data in the background, which includes the node's metrics. Telemetry data from your node is necessary to evaluate the performance, liveness and health of your nodes.

If your node is using the default config without explicitly disabling telemetry, and has HTTPS egress access to the internet, then it will report various key metrics to Aptos Labs. Aptos Labs will also observe the on-chain events such as proposals per hour on your node, as defined in the liveness criteria.